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Tattoo Tuesday

Tattoo Tuesday: Alexandra Sloss

Doris Huang | Staff Photographer

Alexandra Sloss has a tattoo of three fireworks on her ribcage. The artwork is inspired by her favorite quote, taken from Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar.”

Alexandra Sloss’ favorite quote is from the novel “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath. The quote reads, “I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”

With graduation nearing, this quote has a special resonance with Sloss, a senior international relations and anthropology dual major. Although her future is uncertain, Sloss is excited for the journey. The fireworks tattooed on her ribcage represent this uncertainty and excitement.

“You can’t really know what way the fireworks’ sparkles are going to go, but you also can’t stop them from going where they need to go,” Sloss said. “That’s what I felt when I read that quote and the book in high school, and it’s also how I feel now.”

Sloss got her tattoo in early March at Scarab Body Arts in Armory Square. She has three tattoos, each one in a hard-to-see spot, normally hidden by clothing.

“It’s like my own little secret, a little rebellion,” Sloss said, “because if you looked at me, I don’t think you’d label me as a tattoo kind of girl.”

“The Bell Jar,” which was published in the United States in 1971, tells the story of a young woman struggling to create her own identity in a society where she is expected to get married, have children and become a housewife.

Sloss said she was inspired by the idea of breaking social norms and by not letting anyone stop her from pursuing her dreams.

After graduation, Sloss plans to join the City Year Corps in Jacksonville, Florida to mentor and tutor children in public schools.

“I might go back to school to be a teacher, or I might travel abroad some more, or I might get a desk-job working for a really cool company — I don’t know,” Sloss said. “I like that I don’t have a plan, but I have so many things that could be plans and that I’m just going to go where I need to go.”

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