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Duck: Phil D’Abbraccio

Asst. copy editor | Spring 2013-Spring 2014; Asst. sports editor | Fall 2014; Sports editor | Spring 2015

Tony Chao | Art director

Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.

Somehow, the ball bounced my way a few times and I was fortunate enough to stick around this place for a while. I often joked about being here too long — all right, maybe sometimes I wasn’t joking — but I truthfully cherished every second I spent in this decaying but lovable building.

So now I say goodbye to The Daily Orange with a handful of new friends, valuable real-world experience and five semesters’ worth of memories I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Bailey: Whether I was coming in for my track and field reads or I was the lonely freshman at Battle, you were the first one to ask me how I was doing. I’ve learned more from you these last four years than I did from anyone else I’ve met here, and it’s not even close. And as good a teacher you are, you’re an even better friend. I can’t thank you enough for both of those.

Jesse: Your ability to instantly and effortlessly connect with people — sources, co-workers, whoever — astounds me. But you don’t need me to remind you how talented you are or tell you that this inaugural web team couldn’t be in better hands. Having you by my side as we moved from beat to beat, laughing our asses off together but working them off even more, really made my time here special. I’m graduating, but I won’t “go away” anytime soon. And you can put that on the board.

Sam: Really proud of how much you matured through everything this year — and hopefully it’s enough to realize you can’t take a night off next semester to watch the Mets in the World Series. It’s a bit ironic I’m handing the keys off to someone who can’t see or drive, but I’d bet my life you’ll bust your ass to get this section where it needs to be. Just keep your seatbelt on.

Schneid: Even my worst moods were no match for your wit. I think I cracked a smile pretty much every time. I’m so, so impressed by how quickly you’ve developed and I can’t wait to see you make that next step. Don’t beat Sam up too much next semester — you’re going to need that chair one day.

Klinger: You’ve dropped plenty of knowledge on me over the years, and I’m grateful for all of it. Although the office missed your intellect and creativity this semester, you brought more character to The D.O. than anyone I can remember and your influence on this place never wavered, regardless of your location. Because one heart.

Trevor: I look forward to the day we ball up when we all come back for Palooza — assuming my body doesn’t deteriorate before then. We probably owe you some money for borrowing your patented phrases too often. I can throw you a little extra for leaving. Thanks for that, by the way.

Grossman: I appreciated the smartass remarks more than I let on, you goober. You’ve come a long, long way since last year. Mastering the little things is next, and I know you’re too smart to have that slow you down.

Schwed: Thanks for holding down the copy-editing fort this semester. I could never get mad at you, but see if Sam can. Your ideas and your work ethic prove how passionate you are. Just don’t be afraid to be bolder.

Nation: Don’t forget who gave you such a nickname (hint: it’s the same person whose backseat you annihilated). Some writers leave us because things don’t go their way. But you stuck with The D.O. because you understood it was best for you, and that loyalty always meant a lot to me.

Libonati: I’ve met very few people who have the self-drive you do, paesan. Sky’s the limit if you can maintain that, and I know you can.

Mettus: Without your car, #DOingClemson would’ve been half the trip it was. I’m happy you’ve found a larger capacity to contribute in.

Sports staff: It’s OK to dream big, just don’t forget to call that extra source for your midweek. Make sure you leave it all in the press box, too. I haven’t even left SU yet and I already have too many regrets.

Wilson: Working Thursday nights during your regime was way too fun. Glad we sent you out with a Media Cup victory.

Iseman/Mark: My journey here wouldn’t have been possible if you two didn’t give me my chance. Thank you so, so much.

DO sports alums: Thank you for setting the bar so high, and being there for us as we strive to reach it.

Ankur: The house missed your energy and jokes this year. Number two.

Audrey: If only I knew how cool you were back when we first met. But thankfully our paths crossed again, you became a friend I trusted as much as anyone else here and we tossed some knives along the way. I wouldn’t have wanted to share my desk and footrests with anyone else this semester. Let me know when you’re sick of the West Coast — you’ll just have to accept that it’s pronounced “Oregone.”

Lara: I’m sorry I told Lisa you were EIC before you could tell her. If anything rattled you this year, your demeanor never showed it. An up-and-down place like this needs a rock like that. And we had a pretty intelligent one.

Meredith: I always appreciated your genuine — I hate to say motherly, but, motherly — concern for everyone’s well-being. Looking forward to the sound of “How are things?” at Paloozas down the road.

Lindsay: Thanks for preventing me from killing Trevor and Hyber on the way down to Virginia. Not sure if I’ll forgive you for forcing me to watch Harry Potter, though. *Insert weird noise in response* I’m sorry for being so stubborn.

Lizzie: You pushed this paper ahead so far visually. Good luck copy editing this summer.

Beth: Spring 2013 seems like a lifetime ago. Glad you’ve warmed up to Sports since then.

Casey: Remember that time you were news editor and you told me you weren’t coming back? I’m happy that wasn’t true. We needed someone as bright as you at the top.

Chase: The Duke road trip is one of my favorite memories from this year. Not only are you talented, but an absolute pleasure to work with. That’s not always an easy combination to find here.

Jess Iannetta: I was glad to hear you came back in-house this year.

Justin: We’ll catch up in a baseball press box one day. Or at A-Rod’s Hall of Fame induction.

Brett: I’m thankful that you and I avoided shedding blood over the front page. Our jobs were stressful enough.

Mara: Can’t wait to see the leash you have on the Sports guys next year, Chief. I feel confident knowing we’re handing this paper to someone who is going to go right at the challenges facing it.

Chloe/design: Thanks for coming up with ways to make Sports look cool. Make sure the guys are on their sh*t next year.

Clare: Don’t knock the house down with your shouting when you return from London.

Frankie: Sorry my communication wasn’t always the best, but you handled the job like a champ. Hopefully the N.C. State road trip convinced you to shoot sports more in the future.

Logan: Your easygoing nature makes you the ideal road trip companion. Long live Clemson, sweet tea and the Smokin’ Pig, dude. Thrilled you’re taking on the challenge of PE.

Margaret: Nobody ever challenged my affinity for Eminem like you did on the return from Wake Forest. Respect for that, and for how you took the photo editor job head-on.

EGK: Awesome job picking edit board topics that worked with minimal — and often nonexistent — input from me.

Seegz: Glad you took the reins during the copy editing workshop last fall. I didn’t even belong in the same area code as you that day.

Kristin: I forgive you for girls’ night.

Maddy: It’s still a Sports thing.

Nick: #Re2pect right back at you. Would’ve been fun to execute that game plan, if it was necessary.

Alfred: New York, represent.

Annie/Maggie/Michelle: Volunteering a house for so many D.O. festivities takes guts. Clearly no shortage of those. Cheers to that.

Roommate Kyle: Because it wouldn’t be right to exclude you.

Eminem: Thanks for the sweet Halloween costume and the tagline.

Grandma Dora’s tomato sauce: My taste of home, 285 miles away.

Mike, Nick, John and Lisa: I never would’ve thought I could feel so comfortable living five hours away from Farmingdale. But you put up with me returning home at 3 a.m. and waited for me to finish editing before going to Chucks. These four years were the best I could’ve asked for and it’s mostly because of you guys. Let’s make sure the next few weeks commemorate that.

Mom, Dad and others back home: Thanks for all the support and for reading, too. There’s more where that came from.


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