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Duck: Lydia Niles

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

I stumbled into The Daily Orange at the recommendation of my COM 107 professor. Without having any idea of where it would take me, I just kept moving forward. Little did I know it would be the experience of a lifetime that would shape me as a person, student and friend.

The Daily Orange is a special place. It pushes those who work there to their limits — emotionally, physically, creatively and intellectually. It challenges your view of the world and of the people in it. It can be difficult, but the obstacles you face strengthen you as an individual, student, coworker and friend.

I’ll be forever indebted to The D.O. and to everyone who has worked there, so here is a short thank you letter/shout out to just a few of them.

Laura Angle: Our bonds over the CDC are unbreakable. You’re crazy talented and I can’t wait to keep up with your designs from abroad.

Tomer: You’re a DO legend and I’m sad we didn’t get to spend more time with each other. You always made me feel like close friend and I love your dance moves.

Kathryn Krawcyzk: The most underrated DO staffer. Even though we didn’t spend a ton of time together, I valued every interaction with you. You’re smart and intuitive and you inspired me to push further.

Myelle Lansat: It’s kind of crazy that we worked together in Op, Pulp and Digital. Your calm vibes and support was always something I could look to during our time together. I know you’re killing it in NYC.

Kai: Our time in house together was short and sweet. You’re probably the coolest person to walk into The D.O. in years, and I hope we get to spend more time with each other in the future.

Colleen Ferguson: It’s been a crazy ride and I hope you make the most of your last year on campus.

Casey Darnell: Get on! Get outta here! Jk, you’re the weirdest person I’ve ever met but the more time I spend with you the more I like you.

Josh Schafer: Sorry I always made fun of your protein shakes.

Diana Riojas: I told ya you were a Pulp girl. I can’t wait to see what you do and where you go.

Molly Gibbs: Your enthusiasm for the photo team at The D.O. made me excited about my job, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I truly hope you never have to remind another head-ed to fill in a photo request.

KJ Edelman: I’m sad I only had one semester in house to work with you. You’re crazy talented and you have an energy like no other. I know you can do great things, just cool it with the tea, okay?

Bridget Slomian: To be honest I’ll never get over that roast, but your love of Chinese food rivals my love for you.

Jordan Muller: Despite what people may think, we go way back. I’m glad we didn’t let our projects in COM 117 define our time at The D.O. I hope you find the plane you’ve been looking for.

Catherine Leffert: You’re a know it all, but I can’t blame you because you truly know it all. I realized I really liked you when you destroyed Danny in that argument in Kubal last semester. Your talent and motivation will take you far, and I can’t wait to party with you in Madrid.

Danny Strauss: You’re the only stereotypical Whitman student I like, and I’m so glad to know you. You’re also the only person whose Linkedin posts make me smile. Kill it at Business Insider, ok?

Aishwarya: I wished we could’ve had more time together. You’re secretly a firecracker and I can’t wait to see what you do next semester.  

Sandhya: I was sad to see you leave Pulp last semester, but you’ll be a Copy Chief legend without a doubt. You’re so kind and spunky and I can’t wait to live together next year!

Talia Trackim: You’re such a sweet soul through and through. At first I didn’t think someone could be so nice but you proved me wrong in every way. You have raised the bar for talent, goodness and kindness at The D.O. and I can’t wait to see what you do next semester.

Sarah Allam: How I ever was your point person in Pulp is beyond me, but I’m thankful you found your way to 744 Ostrom somehow. You’re lowkey the funniest person in house and everyone loves you, your work and your style. I know I scared you at first but I hope you know now how much I appreciate and love you.

Alexa Torrens: You were my first editor at The D.O. Thank you for asking me to come to the house for reads and thank you for telling me to apply for Pulp. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have found a home away from home.

Maggie: I never knew if you were sighing out of frustration or something else but having you in house was a good time.

Sarah: Hey b*tch. You surprised me the most out of the new staff this semester. You’re hilarious, generous and always eager to learn. Keep pushing yourself and you’ll do great things.

Brooke: I don’t think I realized how similar we are until recently, but you have so much going for you. You’re talented and you have ideas. I know you’ll go far — just keep pushing forward because you have everything you need.

Connor Fogel: Concon, I miss you all the time. We went through that semester together even though we really didn’t get close until the end. That love poem/roast for Secret Santa still stands.

Stacy Fernandez: I still remember where I was when you called me to ask if I wanted to be a Pulp assistant. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I’m so glad you did. You taught me a lot that semester, but most of all you taught me the importance of greeting people at the front door with a smile and a hug.

Michael McCleary: McCleary, you’re one of my favorite people at The D.O. I can’t put my finger on it, but you’ve got something special and you’re going to do great things. You’re smart and a great reporter, and I can’t wait to see where you go. Don’t ever doubt yourself.

Katie Czerwinski: Katie!!!! I miss your sweet, hilarious, witty and absurd-self. The CDC and D.O. doesn’t feel the same without you. I know we’ll be friends for a long time, even though you don’t answer my Facetime calls.

Lucy Naland: I wish we had more time together, but my one semester in the digital room was my favorite. I’ll never forget laughing endlessly, watching The Bachelor and arguing over celebrity gossip with you. I know we’ll make up for the time lost when we’re in D.C., just on a different hill 😉

Ali Harford: Ali, I didn’t really know you before this semester but I’m so glad I do now. Sometimes I truly don’t know how you do it — you’re a ray of sunshine even when you’re at a “six.” Thank you for all that you do. I can’t wait to learn new recipes from you in our kitchen next year.

Sam Ogozalek: Sam, you’re a D.O. celebrity. Everyone who works with you loves you and I don’t know how you do it. Your work as EIC has defined my time as Pulp Editor because I saw each day the work you put into making The D.O. live on. I worked harder so your efforts wouldn’t be in vain. The D.O. is lucky to have you.

Kelsey Thompson: Kelsey, I knew you weren’t just a D.O. friend when I found out you steal bananas. I still can’t believe we never talked before this semester, but I’m thankful it happened because what a time it has been. You care so much and so deeply, and seeing you write and report these last few months has been an inspiration.

Haley Robertson: Haley, I knew you weren’t just a D.O. friend when I realized you stare at people’s foreheads when you stop listening. Your work ethic, perspective, talent, humble ambition and kindness is something that everyone can learn from. I’m lucky to have been there while you grew and I can’t wait to watch you soar.

Andy Mendes: Andy, when I’m around you, it feels the same way as when I’m with my family. On any day you can drive me up the wall or leave me on the ground crying laughing. You are a friend for life. Never doubt yourself because you are smart, talented and full of ideas. Love you.

Rori Sachs: Wawawa lipstick in my Valentino bag?! Rori, you are the funniest person I’ve ever met and you don’t even know it. I was terrified of you when we were in Pulp together. You absolutely killed it as Video Editor this semester and changed the section forever, whether or not people recognize it. You are a force of Upper West Side nature and I can’t wait to grow up with you as my friend. Love you.

Emma Comtois: The summer of 2018 will go down in the books because I got you as a friend for life. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I’m thankful for everything that happened. Your strength, ambition and wisdom is something I will forever try to emulate, and it’s just one part of the best things about you. You’re going to kill it in Seattle. I can’t wait for all of our future vacations together. Love you.

Pulp Fall ‘18: You are all going to change the world. Working with the Pulp staff this semester changed my perspective on so many things, most of all being that the more love you send into the world the better. You made my DO experience everything I could hope for. I have a word count to follow so I can’t go into the details, but you changed me forever. *Pink heart sparkly emoji*

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